12 Frugality Lessons from the Great Depression

12 Frugal Lessons From the Great Depression

The Great Depression was a time of hunger, homelessness, and despair. Our country was in dire straights with over 25% of the population reportedly out of work. Through absolute necessity, being frugal was a way of life and survival in every sense of the word. There are many lessons modern people can learn from that time in our nation’s history. In fact, with the way the economy has been going for the last decade, more people are turning to these practices to help make ends meet.
Being frugal doesn’t mean you live in squalor, though many did during that time. In the world we live in, it’s actually much easier to get the things you need or find ‘trash’ that can be re-purposed to serve your needs. Just because something is used doesn’t mean it is somehow ‘less than’ good enough. The big corporations have pounded the idea of ‘keeping up with the Jones'” into our heads but it seems the tide is swaying the other way. Again, out of necessity.
If you can incorporate any of these 12 lessons into your daily life, you are already far ahead of the populace. By learning and practicing being frugal, should a large disaster strike, you and your family won’t be so heavily impacted. Being frugal, or at least learning ways to make resources stretch, is a big part of preparedness and survivalism.

12 Frugal Lessons From the Great Depression


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