21 Weird Garden Remedies That Might Make You Look Crazy But That Actually Work

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Gardening is a great way to grow food without having to use any chemical fertilizers. One thing that is important to know about this process is there are many techniques that can be used. You may see that a lot of weird garden remedies that are available really do work.
Organic gardeners will often go to any length to keep their plants happy and safe, but without the use of harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Here are some old tricks and a few new ones using common household substances that can make a gardener’s’ life easy and keep plants happy and healthy in a natural and non-toxic way.
Don’t be fooled by the strangeness of some of these organic garden remedies. As odd as they may seem, they are effective measures that have been put to the test over time!
21 Weird Garden Remedies That Might Make You Look Crazy But That Actually Work