7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE

7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE
7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE

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Most old wives’ tales are just that: tales. Nobody really believes money spiders bring money, or pulling a face when the wind changes direction will curse you to a life of looking like Carrot Top. Trouble is, we’ve gotten so used to being skeptical we now dismiss the handful of tales that are demonstrably true.

Whether you hold some of these sayings as words to live by, or you’ve always considered them to be the fables of your mother or grandmother, a surprising amount of old wives’ tales are actually founded in truth. Sure, the original message may have been covered up by nuanced parables or patronizing rhymes, but here are some of the most useful old wives’ tales that you should be sure to heed.Click the link below to check out this article…

7 Old Wives Tales That Turned Out To Be TRUE


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