7 Primitive Ways to start a fire

7 Primitive Ways to start a fire

If you’re camping or hiking and discover you have forgotten the matches, knowing how to start a fire anothor way is essential, So try Using one of these 7  primitive fire starting methods that have been used for thousands of years.

Learn how to make fire the old school way today! Making fire the primitive way is defiantly a skill you NEED for a SHTF situation, there are so many things that could happen where you lose all your gear or you find your self where some one or a gang has stolen all your stuff, with these skills at least you have fire and that means warmth and a way to purify water and to cook on. I have been prepping and a survivalist for many years, and to date I have only tried making fire using 2 of these methods, check them all out in the link below 

7 Primitive Ways to start a fire

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