9 Home Remedies To Help Soothe & Heal Minor Burns

9 Home Remedies To Help Soothe & Heal Minor Burns
9 Home Remedies To Help Soothe & Heal Minor Burns

A burn is considered “minor” if only the top layers of skin are damaged. The area will probably be painful and red and, if not treated quickly, will develop painful blisters. These burns are referred to as first-degree burns and, though relatively superficial, can be extremely painful and can produce scarring.
Burns of this nature might be caused by contact with hot objects or fluids, or even sunburn. The natural inclination in response to pain caused by heat is to apply ice to the wound, but ice can actually restrict blood flow to the skin, preventing tissue repair. It is much more effective to run cool water over the burn for several minutes before applying additional first aid measures. If you have received a more serious burn, immediately seek medical help. See all 9 home remedies on the next page…

9 Home Remedies To Help Soothe & Heal Minor Burns


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