DIY Chicken Coop Made From Pallets
Chickens are great little birds! You can get delicious fresh eggs and the satisfaction of feeling like a farmer. And as long as you don’t have a rooster, they will be a good way to make friends with the neighbors. Everyone loves fresh food!
Pallet projects are a big thing these days, everybody loves to recycle pallets and this is a great chicken coop for a small garden or just make bigger to suit your needs., if you’re looking for pallet wood, I suggest you try to get pallets that are fairly new (Check CraigsList or just about any industrial-type business.
Everybody want to get rid of them.) The ‘screw’ nails that are used in pallets are nearly impossible to remove easily if they are old. Newer pallets means less rusty brittle nails and usually less ‘re-enforcement’ nails.Check out this article below and build your own chicken coop from pallets