Build Yourself A Portable Home – The Mongolian Yurt

Mongolian Yurt
Mongolian Yurt /shutterstock

Whats a yurt? you may ask well the English word Yurt comes from the Russian Yurta describing a circular trellis walled framed tent. The Russian word Yurta is derived from a Turkic word describing a camping ground.While there’s many solutions to easily yurt oneself if you have a reasonable budget .we need to find a solution more in the DIY realm.

So we have searched far and wide, and here’s what i managed to come up with in terms of Build Yourself A Portable Home. . Even if you don’t want to build one to live in, You could always build one were you go camping a lot. This would be an awesome camping spot if you had one 🙂 Check out this blog below.

Build Yourself A Portable Home – The Mongolian Yurt


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