Homemade Dishwasher Detergent and Rinse Agent

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Why do we make our own homemade products? It all started with our first batch of homemade laundry detergent, since then we’ve been hooked! Now we’re on a mission to make as many household products as we can. It saves money and gives a sense of joy and accomplishment.
I have posted quite a few home made laundry detergent recipes before, but I think this is the first dishwasher detergent recipe with a separate rinse agent recipe! All of these laundry detergent recipes posts have been really popular, here are two to check out Make A Year’s Worth of Laundry Soap for $30.00! and Home made Laundry Soap Tablets Recipe .
I know many of you do not have a dishwasher like myself but I also know many of you do, so i thought i would post this for you all.This home made recipe is super cheap and easy to make, This recipes comes in at a cost of around just $0.05 per load which will save you a lot of money. Click the link below to get this recipe…