How To Build A Re-purposed Windows Greenhouse

Grow your own food year-round, shelter your delicate plants from the winter’s bitter cold, and do it all simply and with recycled materials! Yes, building your own greenhouse not only has a plethora of benefits to your DIY lifestyle, but it is cheaper and easier than you think. This step by step tutorial of how to build a garden greenhouse with old windows is a great way to re purpose and recycle glass that captures the sun’s heat into an enclosed space.
When thinking about making your own personal backyard greenhouse, three options seem to be the most appropriate for both matters of function and budget. Ambitious DIYers can devote some time into making a beautiful greenhouse out of up-cycled windows. For those who live in really cold climates, a lean-to greenhouse which recycles heat from your home could be a great way to keep your plants healthy and live despite the winter chill.