How To Grow Pineberries: Strawberries That Taste Like Pineapple
The pineberry is real, although they aren’t crosses between pineapples and strawberries (despite some misleading headlines to that effect. Pineberry is an albino strawberry cultivar with a pineapple-like flavor, white coloring, and red seeds. Pineberry is based on the original strawberry hybrids that arose in cultivation in Europe, with recent selective breeding to improve the plants.
The body is almost totally white but studded with red seeds when the fruit is sweet and ready to eat. Not only is this the reverse but they are even juicier than strawberries too. Don’t let the small size fool you, they are very tasty. The Pineberry is said to have the shape and texture of a strawberry with a flavor and smell of a pineapple.
How To Grow Pineberries: Strawberries That Taste Like Pineapple