6 Surprising Lessons Learned from a Water Outage

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Have you ever really thought about how much water you use? Most people never consider it, unless you live in California where it’s at a serious premium. The amount you use just to flush the toilet in one day might surprise you. That’s not counting showers, laundry, cleaning, cooking, and cleaning some more. Have pets and plants? They need it, too.
The general rule of thumb is 1 gallon of water per person, per day but the truth is, that is only for survival for drinking and maybe cooking. It doesn’t cover any of the other stuff that we humans are used to taking for granted. Those who consider themselves preppers may think they have all they could ever need for a long term grid-down situation.
While there are people out there who have wells, ponds, or huge holding tanks, the rest of the population isn’t. What would you do if the city shut your water off for a week? One such person had this very situation happen to them and though they are preppers and thought they had all they needed, things didn’t go quite as they had planned or envisioned!