Natural Bunion remedies
They’re painful, they’re unattractive, and they seem to be impossible to get rid of: bunions have adverse effects on a person’s daily life. Some common solutions include unfashionable footwear and annoying, slippery bandages. In severe situations, some must even be removed surgically. But is there a way to naturally treat your woeful feet? Check out this article and try a natural and cheap remedy.
Since bunions are a result of improper nutrition, uncomfortable shoes, poor metabolism, or some kinds of infections, it is a common ailment among especially women in the west. These salt deposits lie in between your joints and create pain and discomfort
. By following the simple directions in this article, you can use bay leaves and water to create a fresh drink which could not only take away your joint pain, but with some patience, could reduce the size of your bunions. Other remedies include a topical home remedy made from bay leaves and rubbing alcohol, or using a soap-iodine regimen to treat the area. There’s no reason to skip out on this natural chance at pain relief! Try today!