Off Grid Window Box Solar Heater Doubles As a Sun Oven!

Off Grid Window Box Solar Heater Doubles As a Sun Oven!
Off Grid Window Box Solar Heater Doubles As a Sun Oven!

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Are you interested in off-grid options to save money at home? One of the best options is to use ways to harness solar power. Solar power can be used for hot water and to heat your home. All you will need to do add a new heating option is to build a window box solar heater.

I know the weather is still ok for now. Here in the midwest we are still seeing temps around 90 degrees during the day and 70 at night, this will not last much longer. Thats why you have to think about making your preps for winter now while you have light, time and good weather. I found an amazing solar room heater which doesn’t use cans and even doubles up as a solar oven.

Off Grid Window Box Solar Heater Doubles As a Sun Oven!



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