Seedling Sealed In Its Own Ecosystem And watered Once In 53 Years


Photosynthesis creates oxygen and also puts more moisture in the air. The moisture builds up inside the bottle and ‘rains’ back down on the plant. The leaves it drops rot at the bottom of the bottle, creating the carbon dioxide also needed for photosynthesis and nutrients which it absorbs through its roots.
It was Easter Sunday 1960 when Mr Latimer thought it would be fun to start a bottle garden ‘out of idle curiosity’.He said: ‘At the time the chemical industry had changed to transporting things in plastic bottles so there were a lot of glass ones on the market. ‘Bottle gardens were a bit of a craze and I wanted to see what happened if you bunged the thing up.
This is just crazy wounder if you could do a large scale version now that would be great.

Seedling Sealed In Its Own Ecosystem And watered Once In 53 Years

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