Survival Tips – How To Find Water In The Wilderness

How To Find Water In The Wilderness
How To Find Water In The Wilderness

You can survive about 3 weeks without food. However, you can die if you go for three days without water.

So, imagine a situation where you are lost in a wilderness, like an unknown forest to you. Alternatively, let us assume that you had gone for an adventure. Unfortunately, you finished all the water and dehydration begins.

How do you survive? Where do you get water?

Well, do not lose hope because in this video you will find some excellent information on how to survive and deal with the hydration.

Water Dowsing aka Well Witching
Water Dowsing aka Well Witching

How do you make your own water?

Water from the forest is of course not safe to drink. Health experts, even your parents taught you well. I know. But how do you make your own water?

Check out page 2 to read the rest of the article, Also have a look at a very interesting video that explains in more detail…

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