Survival Tips – How To Find Water In The Wilderness

Survival Tips - How To Find Water In The Wilderness
Survival Tips – How To Find Water In The Wilderness

How do you make your own water

1. You can carry some chemicals to help treat water that you find in the wilderness. For instance, tablets, chlorine bleach, and iodine can contribute to cleaning water that is close to being ‘drinkable.’

2. However, if you do not have the chemicals, there is another option. You can take up some of that water and boil it. That is if you can access some fire for boiling. This will remove all the impurities from the water.

3. what if you go round the forest and there was no sign of water? Well, there is another difficult option that many may choose to pass. Distil your urine. Urine is full toxins, but correct distillation can eliminate the toxins to remain with clean and pure water.

So what do you do in the case where you have sludge of water or urine that you want to distil?

Use solar still technique.

  • Dig a hole that can fit a soccer ball inside it.
  • Pour the urine or the water into the hole so that it saturates the hole
  • Cut a bottle into a half. This is where the water will drain. Put it in the hole.
  • Use a plastic bag to cover the hole. You can use a garbage bag like in the video.
  • Use the sand to keep the bag weighted down to the hole
solar still technique.
solar still technique.

Water begins to evaporate as the sun heats it. The longer the sun shines, the more the evaporation that takes place. The moisture will move into the cut bottle that acts as our reciprocator. So make sure that you create a v- shape that leads to the bottle. This will make it easy for the water to flow into the vessel.


So, next time you are lost in the wilderness, be courageous and try one of these tricks. You will surely survive. It will keep you going for a few more days.



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