Where’s The Best Place To Homestead In The USA

Where's The Best Place To Homestead In The USA
Where’s The Best Place To Homestead In The USA

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I often get asked this question! “Which state is the best state to live and homestead” I personally can never answer that question as I have only lived in one state. I got asked this question again last night so I decided to do some research.

I found a this website called startoffhomesteading.com who have put together a great article which goes over a lot of factors which you should take into account when choosing, like rainfall, climate and even politics..etc. Check it out and let me know which state you think you would like to homestead in.

I choose Georgia, I chose it because of the soil makeup and the climate. I am not too fussed that their politics isn’t in line with mine but I know for sure I could have a bumper crop every year there.

Where’s The Best Place To Homestead In The USA


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